Plug In IE: A Dialogue on Sustainable Logistics
In 2022 and 2023, IELCC researchers (Marissa Brookes, Fernando Marquez Duarte, and Ellen Reese) collaborated with other UCR researchers and our community partner, Plug In IE (https://pluginie.org/) to convene and summarize two community workshops that brought together environmental justice, labor, and other community organizations, industry experts, state regulatory agencies, and community college representatives to discuss the opportunities and challenges related to the electrification of the logistics industry in the Inland Empire.
For a summary of ideas and findings developed during the December 2022 community workshop, see: https://pluginie.org/2023/03/24/plug-in-dec-2022-report/
For a summary of ideas and findings developed during the June 2023 community workshop, see: https://www.pluginie.org/create-ie-report/