Thrive Inland SoCal: Phase 2 Strategy Sheets
As part of the statewide California Jobs First initiative, the UCR Inland Empire Labor and Community Center played a key role in developing numerous Phase 2 Strategy Sheets built from original research as well as research conducted for the Phase 1 Labor Market Analysis. These Strategy Sheets outline actionable pathways for community members across Riverside and San Bernardino Counties to overcome barriers to accessing quality jobs in the region. Additionally, the UCR team helped coordinate and host the in-person Gallery Walk at the Riverside Convention Center during the IECF Summit in August 2024 and participated in the engagement of the various Subregional Tables that were convened in order to integrate broad stakeholder and community feedback into the strategic planning process. This work, and the larger Thrive Inland SoCal initiative, ensures that economic development efforts remain inclusive, data-driven, and responsive to local workforce needs.